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SudoVanilla Documentations

MinPluto Zorn Player Penpot Desktop


Hardware Requirements

10GB of Disk Space60GB of Disk Space
1 Core2 Core
10TB of Traffic (Unlimited is preferred)20TB of Traffic (Unlimited is preferred)


Please make sure that the Docker Engine is installed on your system before continuing.

Clone MinPluto somewhere on your system:

Terminal window

git clone

cd MinPluto

Then, edit the included config.json file:


"SERVER_ADMIN": "Company LLC",

"SERVER_LOCATION": "Undisclosed",

"STATISTICS": false,




"DOMAIN": "",







"MODIFIED": false,



You should at the least edit SERVER_DOMAIN and SERVER_ADMIN. If you have an analytics tool that you use like Plausible or Umami, the configuration will work with them.

If you plan to make any changes to MinPluto on your instance, you must make it public and state what you’ve changed, and provide a link to the modified source code in CUSTOM_SOURCE_CODE.

You can now launch MinPluto:

Terminal window

docker compose up -d # sudo may be required depending on your setup

MinPluto should launch on the default port, which should be at An image proxy is added to the Docker Compose file, which should be on port 1931.


You’ll need to install either NodeJS or Bun.

Clone MinPluto somewhere on your system:

Terminal window

git clone

cd MinPluto

Then, edit the included config.json file:


"SERVER_ADMIN": "Company LLC",

"SERVER_LOCATION": "Undisclosed",

"STATISTICS": false,




"DOMAIN": "",







"MODIFIED": false,



You should at the least edit DEFAULT_IMAGE_PROXY, SERVER_DOMAIN, and SERVER_ADMIN. If you have an analytics tool that you use like Plausible or Umami, the configuration will work with them.

If you plan to make any changes to MinPluto on your instance, you must make it public and state what you’ve changed, and provide a link to the modified source code in CUSTOM_SOURCE_CODE.

All domains should NOT end with a /.

Install packages:

npm install

Then run:

npm start

MinPluto should launch on the default port, which should be at